Bulgur Calories: A Comprehensive Guide for Health Enthusiasts

16 januar 2024 Peter Mortensen


Bulgur is a versatile and nutritious grain that has gained popularity among health-conscious individuals. In this article, we will delve into the world of bulgur calories, exploring everything essential to know about this topic. Whether you are an avid health enthusiast or just curious about the nutritional value of bulgur, this guide will provide you with valuable insights.

Understanding Bulgur Calories:

health food

One of the key factors that attracts individuals to bulgur is its low-calorie content. Bulgur is a whole grain made from cracked wheat kernels, which are boiled and dried. This minimal processing ensures that the grain retains its high nutritional value. In terms of calories, bulgur is a fantastic option for those looking to watch their calorie intake without compromising their nutritional needs.

With just 151 calories per cup of cooked bulgur, it can be a highly satisfying and filling addition to any meal. The low-calorie content of bulgur makes it an ideal choice for individuals aiming to maintain or lose weight while still enjoying a wholesome and nutritious diet.

Historical Development of Bulgur Calories:

Bulgur has a rich historical background, dating back thousands of years. Its origins trace back to the Middle East, particularly in areas such as Turkey and the Levant. Initially, bulgur was a staple food for nomadic tribes and neighboring civilizations due to its long shelf life and ease of preparation.

As time progressed, bulgur became an integral part of the region’s culinary traditions. Its versatility and nutritional benefits were highly regarded, leading to its widespread adoption as a dietary staple. Bulgur was not only cherished for its taste and texture but also for its role in maintaining overall health.

In recent years, as the focus on healthy eating and nutrition has increased worldwide, bulgur has gained recognition globally. The low-calorie content and excellent nutritional profile have made it a favorite among health-conscious individuals. Bulgur’s prominent role in various cuisines, such as Mediterranean and Middle Eastern, has also contributed to its popularity.

Breaking Down Bulgur Calories:

To better comprehend the nutritional value of bulgur, let’s take a closer look at its calorie breakdown. In one cup (182 grams) of cooked bulgur, the calorie content can typically be broken down as follows:

– Total Calories: 151

– Carbohydrates: 34 grams

– Protein: 5.6 grams

– Fat: 0.4 grams

– Fiber: 8.2 grams

Additionally, bulgur is a good source of essential vitamins and minerals, including iron and magnesium. Its high fiber content aids in digestion and helps individuals feel fuller for longer periods, making it an excellent choice for those seeking weight management.

Making the Most of Bulgur Calories:

Incorporating bulgur into your daily diet is easy and rewarding. Its nutty flavor and chewy texture make it a versatile grain that can be used in various dishes:

1. Salads: Use cooked bulgur as a base for delicious and nutritious salads. Combine it with fresh vegetables, protein sources like grilled chicken or chickpeas, and a light dressing for a hearty meal.

2. Pilafs and Stir-Fries: Bulgur can replace rice or couscous in pilaf or stir-fry recipes, providing a healthier alternative without compromising on taste or texture.

3. Breakfast Delights: Start your day with a nutritious breakfast by incorporating bulgur into your morning routine. Prepare a warm and comforting bowl of bulgur porridge with your favorite toppings, such as fruits, nuts, and honey.

4. Meatballs and Stuffed Vegetables: Bulgur can be used as a filling for delicious meatballs or stuffed vegetables, adding texture and nutritional value to these dishes.


Bulgur calories offer a great balance between taste and nutrition, making it a standout grain in the health-conscious community. With its low-calorie content, high fiber, and protein content, it’s a perfect addition to any balanced diet. Whether you enjoy it in salads, pilafs, or even in breakfast recipes, bulgur can provide a satisfying and nutritious experience. So, why not explore the world of bulgur and discover the plethora of possibilities it brings to your table?


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How many calories are there in a cup of cooked bulgur?

A cup of cooked bulgur contains approximately 151 calories.

Is bulgur a good option for weight management?

Yes, bulgur is an excellent choice for weight management due to its low-calorie content, high fiber, and protein content, which help with satiety.

What are some ways to incorporate bulgur into my diet?

You can use bulgur in salads, pilafs, stir-fries, meatballs, stuffed vegetables, and even in breakfast recipes like porridge.

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